Category Archives: History

THE BRIDGE is 70 - celebrations in 2020

The German-American Klub THE BRIDGE Gießen-Wetzlar celebrates 2020 its 70. Geburtstag. Of the 1950 Founded club in central Hesse starts with the New Year's reception at 15. January 2020 in the celebrations. The guest of honor this evening the Frankfurt mayor and anti-Semitism Representative of the State of Hesse Uwe Becker.

Six years ago, the bridge celebrated with a grand finale “We are the World”

On the historic date of 8. May, in a ceremony at the bridge foundation 1950 remind. is then thought of the end of the 2. World War II and the liberation from National Socialism 1945th

Completion of the bridge celebrations the Thanksgiving celebration is on 28. November 2020 with music and entertainment in a festive setting.

Patron of the club-anniversary year is prime minister of Hesse Volker Bouffier.

Roman Forum and bronze horse head Fund in Waldgirmes are bridge-Stammtisch topics

reiterstatueCASTING (guardian), 31.10.2016 – In the time of the Roman Empire before around 2.000 Years of abducted Head of LEGIO Augusta Germanica and board member Roman Forum from Förderverein Waldgirmes, Mr Hartmut Krämer, guests at the Stammtisch of German-American Clubs THE BRIDGE Gießen-Wetzlar on Wednesday, the 2. November 2016. A 19.30 PM he will in the wedding hall of the Hotel Köhler in Gießen, Westanlage 33-35 under the headline „Waldgirmes, Report a Roman city founded in Germania "in a multimedia presentation on the coexistence of Roman and Germanic in Mittelhessen. Then there is also perhaps new developments on the ongoing dispute for epochal discovery of Roman bronze horse's head to report in the Lahn Auer district. Interested citizens and communities are invited.


"Face of the Airlift" Gail S. Halvorsen awarded in Frankfurt

Transatlantic appreciated ambassadors for freedom and humanity from VDAC

Bridge-President Roger Schmidt together with Mercedes and Peter Wild (Center) and US Consul General in Frankfurt, James W. Herman (on the right)
Bridge-President Roger Schmidt together with Mercedes and Peter Wild (Center) and US Consul General in Frankfurt, James W. Herman (on the right)

FRANKFURT, 11.10.2015 – „Gail S. Halvorsen is like no other, the face of the Berlin Airlift "said the former CEO of Fraport AG Prof. Wilhelm Bender at the presentation of the General Lucius D. Clay Medal to the world-famous Berlin Airlift pilots. In Romer him singing the 150 invited guests at the ceremony in the framework of the German-American Day 2015 the Federation of German-American Clubs (VDAC) a birthday song, because on the same day he celebrated with his family in the United States its 95. Geburtstag. For health reasons, he was unable to cross the Atlantic, it took decades of good friend Mercedes Wild, on his behalf, the Clay medal counter. She had collected as a child from become known as the "Candy Bomber" Sweets, the children in Berlin during the blockade made happy in his improvised by himself parachutes and gave hope.

The enthusiasm for this action for freedom of Berlin, whose example many pilots in the years 1948/1949 followed, made history and himself a "pop star in the cockpit". Children and young people follow him today with his personal experience reports in schools and universities, which are always characterized by the central message of humanity and international understanding. This was also emphasized by Bender, because it is not self-evident, that 70 Advertises years after these historic events Halvorsen still so committed to transatlantic relations. "He is authentic and friendly" he summarizes his charisma together.


VDAC President Jacob shot handed the Clay Medal to Berliner Mercedes Wild with the best wishes for Halvorsen. Previously, the City Council Chairman Stephan Siegler him had, US-Generalkonsul James W. Herman, der Vizepräsident des American Chamber of Commerce David R. Knower and the director of the Atlantic Academy
DR. David Sirakov acknowledged in welcome addresses. It featured all of the speakers and the transatlantic activities of VDAC with his student exchange and youth program out. For the musical accompaniment during the ceremony, the musicians provided the Brass6`tett of Heeresmusikkorps Kassel.

65 Jahre jung! DIE BRÜCKE feiert

65 Jahre deutsch-amerikanische Geschichte in Gießen – Festschrift erschienen

Viel los war beim Sommer-BBQ des Deutsch-Amerikanischen Klubs "Die Brücke" im Kleintierpark in Fernwald
Die Brücke-Mitglieder im Sommer 2015

CASTING / MEDIUM HESSE (rge/ger/rg), Der Deutsch-Amerikanische Klub DIE BRÜCKE Gießen-Wetzlar feiert im Oktober 2015 (Friday, 2. October 2015, 19 Clock) unter der Schirmherrschaft der Gießener Oberbürgermeisterin Dietlind Grabe-Bolz und dem US-Generalkonsul in Frankfurt, James W. Herman, im Bürgerhaus Kleinlinden seinen 65. Founding anniversary. Der Festabend steht unter der Überschrift „65 Jahre DIE BRÜCKE – American Magic in Mittelhessen“. Das Motto soll an die bis heute prägenden Einflüsse in Kultur und Gesellschaft erinnern, den die Amerikaner in den letzten Jahrzehnten in unserer Region hinterlassen haben, so auch auf die Entwicklung der Brücke. Mitglieder, geladene Gäste und befreunde Partnerschaftsklubs werden erwartet. An die zurückliegenden Jahre, die von Niederlage nach dem Krieg, Aufbruch in das „Wirtschaftswunder“, der Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands sowie weitereichenden weltpolitischen Veränderungen, bis in die jüngste Flüchtlingsbewegung, geprägt waren und sind sowie an die vielfältigen Klub-Aktivitäten der Brücke erinnert die dieser Tage veröffentlichte Festschrift . In großem DIN-A4-Format und auf 24 reich bebilderten Seiten beleuchtet sie die Geschichte der BRÜCKE, in dem nicht nur Deutsche und Amerikaner sondern auch andere Nationalitäten sich zusammen gefunden haben und die Völkerverständigung und den Austausch pflegen.


„Nichts bleibt wie es ist, alles wird anders als man denkt.“ sagt Brücke-Präsident Roger Schmidt in der Festschrift, wenn er sich mit der Geschichte des Klubs beschäftigt. Eigentlich war 1948 das Jahr in dem alles begann. Gießen war nach dem Krieg eine Garnisonsstadt mit tausenden stationierten von US-Gis und ihren Familien. Nicht einfaches Ziel einer Gruppe von deutschen Frauen in Gießen war es kurz nach dem Krieg, die Zusammenarbeit und Freundschaft zwischen Deutschen und Amerikanern durch eine Vereinigung zu fördern. Einige amerikanische Frauen waren der gleichen Meinung. After two years of intense preparation and many discussions it was time. At the 13. March 1950 was the first official meeting in the house of the Wilhelmstrasse 20, dem damaligen Sitz der „High Commission for Germany”, die BRÜCKE von US-amerikanischen und deutschen Frauen als zunächst reiner Frauenklub gegründet. Der Name war bewusst als Symbol für den Brückenschlag für die Menschen und der Verständigung über den Atlantik gewählt worden. Der Klub wurde bekannt durch sein Engagement für Kinder, insbesondere gegen die noch grassierende Kinderlähmung. 27.000 DM wurden damals bei einer „Pfennigparade“ gesammelt und eine „Eiserne Lunge“ für erkrankte Kinder finanziert. Ferienprogramme gab es in den Folgejahren 1956-59 unter dem Namen „Glücklicher Sommer“ in Zusammenarbeit mit der Caritas und dem CVJM. Nach der Besserung der wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse unterstützt man individuell regionale Organisationen, wie die Kinderkrebsstation Peiper, das Familienzentrum für krebskranke Kinder oder in der jüngeren Vergangenheit die Jugendarbeit der Diakonie oder den Kinderhospizdienst. 1979 öffnete sich der Klub den Männern. Mit dem Wetzlarer Klub vereinigte man sich im Jahr 2001.


Wichtig ist den Mitgliedern der Austausch zwischen Jugendlichen und angehenden Akademikern dies und jenseits des Atlantiks. Der Klub unterstützt als Mitglied im Verband der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Klubs (VDAC), das Programm des Studenten- und Jugendaustausches. Dazu hat er eine Studentenbeauftragte ernannt, aktuell Kerstin Ruppel. Jährlich sind junge Amerikaner in Gießen zum Studium zu Gast, wie deutsche Studenten an einer amerikanischer Universität. Die Mitglieder sorgen dann dafür, dass sich die jungen Leute aus den Staaten hier wie zuhause fühlen.


Eine Zäsur in der Vereinsgeschichte bildete der Abzug der US-Amerikaner aus Gießen im September 2007, ist der Festschrift zu entnehmen. Zuvor waren in der Brücke besonders US-Familien von Offizieren fest im Vereinsleben verankert. 2008 wechselte man zudem das Vereinslokal vom Dach Café in das Hotel Köhler.


Eine Neuausrichtung gelang. Viele Veranstaltungen wurden neu entwickelt, wie die beiden Benefiz-Konzerte unter dem Titel „We are the world“ mit heimischen Chören. Traditionelle Veranstaltungen wie Ladys Gathering (Damentreffen), Sommer-BBQ und Thanksgiving wurden erfolgreich fortgeführt. Regelmäßige Stammtische zu auch kontroversen Themen wurden und werden veranstaltet. Gast war hier aktuell der scheidende Regierungspräsident Lars Witteck, der zur Flüchtlingssituation in Mittelhessen referierte. Die Neujahrsempfänge der Brücke sind seit 2010 zu gesellschaftlichen Ereignissen im Kalender der Region geworden. Ehrengäste waren hier neben der Gießener Oberbürgermeisterin Dietlind Grabe-Bolz (2010), der US-Generalkonsul Edward Alford (2011), der Konsul für Kultur und Bildung beim Generalkonsulat der Volksrepublik China in Frankfurt, Liu Xiaolu und sein Vertreter, Vize-Konsul Wang Lin (2012), US-Generalkonsul Kevin C. Milas (2013), der Direktor des bundesweit einmaligen Mathematikums, Prof. DR. Albrecht Beutelspacher (2014) sowie die Intendantin des Stadttheaters Gießen, Cathérine Miville (2015).


„Aktuell steht die Gesellschaft vor neuen Herausforderungen. Tausende von Menschen suchen Frieden, Wohlstand und Glück in Deutschland und anderen Teilen Europas.“ blickt Schmidt in seinen Grußworten auf aktuelle Geschehnisse in direkter Nachbarschaft. Wie einst Menschen aus unserer Region, die in vorigen Jahrhunderten nicht aus Abenteuerlust sondern ebenfalls aus purer wirtschaftlicher Not und Verfolgung aus ganz Europa in die USA aufbrachen, wiederholen sich Ereignisse, unterstreicht er. „Wenn wir unseren 65. Gründungsgeburtstag in diesem Jahr feiern, gilt denen unsere Solidarität die Hilfe benötigen und wir denken an die Helferinnen und Helfer, die im täglichen Einsatz für diese Menschen bis an ihre persönlichen Grenzen gehen.“ DIE BRÜCKE will auch weiterhin an der Seite derer stehen, die Unterstützung benötigen. Dafür ist die transatlantische Verständigung und Freundschaft sowie die Völkerverständigung und Frieden über unsere Grenzen hinaus ein wichtiger Baustein, so das Selbstverständnis des Klubs.

Leica camera from the airship Hindenburg traveled through USA

Hinterländer mountain bikers were guests at the bridge-Stammtisch - on US tour

The bridge-chairman Roger Schmidt (links) and Günther Schmadel (on the right) welcomed to the meeting at the Hotel Köhler the hinterlands Mountain Bicker Harald Becker (Clinks, links) and Uli Weigel, who reported on their exciting journey with the wheels in the US. Always with the old Leica (on the table), die schon im brennenden Luftschiff "Hindenburg" was in New York doing
The bridge-chairman Roger Schmidt (links) and Günther Schmadel (on the right) welcomed to the meeting at the Hotel Köhler the hinterlands Mountain Bicker Harald Becker (Center, links) and Uli Weigel, who reported on their exciting journey with the wheels in the US. Always with the old Leica (on the table), already in the burning airship “Hindenburg” was in New York doing

CASTING-WETZLAR / MEDIUM HESSE (rge/ger/rg), They were with their bikes as far as China go, toured the cities and jungles of Brazil and crossed the wilderness of Namibia. We are talking about the back country mountain bikers Uli Weigel, Jörg pitcher, Harald Becker, Siegfried Pitzer and Matthias Schmidt. At the recent meeting of the Stammtisch German-American Club "The Bridge" at the Hotel Köhler reported two of them with Uli Weigel and Harald Becker from their recent trip, which had led to a new challenge in the wide open spaces of the West of the USA and in the east to New York. Before the numerous guests come they had brought beside her richly illustrated report and a film, the original Leica camera, which in the crash of the airship Hindenburg in Lakehurst on 6. May 1937 had been on board. A special experience for the bridge visitors, because they were the highly assured piece of history once camera in her hand. The bridge-chairman Roger Schmidt presented the well-traveled mountain biking from the Lahn-Dill-Kreis in the pouring more than 40 Hotel to Watch List.


In September 2014 they were 10 "History, he" driving in their current project days "" this time under the title "The New World in the footsteps of Moontainbike-Sports" on the road in America. Amazed they registered upon their arrival in the US, that cycling in the Amis is all the rage. Countless like-minded people met them on the tour. In the Wild West, they were welcome guests in the Leica Store in Los Angeles Consulate were in the local German received and then experienced the dangerous American rush with their wheels. A winery in the Napa Valey legendary was one of the stops, there on the hot Trail Napa, they had their first breakdown, they doused with a cold beer in the evening. Especially great they found, to the legends of the mountain bike sport with Joe Breeze, Got to know in Fairfax Gary Fisher and Otis Guy. The "Hall of fame" of cycling, they visited the "Museum of Bycycling". Toll their riding over the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. From there it was but then with the Flyers in the east to New York, informed Weigel laughing. 4.800 Kilometers were then but for central Hesse cyclists, given the tight schedule too much. There in the "Big Apple" was then also that of ihne so christened "Hörler girl", the Statue of Liberty on their visit plan. They had researched, that the ancestors of the creator Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, came from the German home. His ancestor "Barthold" lived as a Huguenot in Oberhörlen (Steffensberg) and was there before 329 Married years. On Liberty Iceland you have already been informed of the arrival of the cyclists on their search for clues and waved them through friendly, as reported Harald Becker of his encounter with the local rangers. With the Leica camera in the luggage they visited the crash site of the Hindenburg in Lakehurst and met the museum director Don Adams. Finally, they also visited Bill Combs, in nephew of Bill Schaefer, whose father Maximilian Shepherd 1839 had emigrated from Central Hesse in the USA. Together with his brother Frederick,d he already 1838 Germany had left, they built from 1842 to 1968 a brewery empire with 4000 Employment under the brand "Schaefer Beer" on. 1976 set it as the last brewery in Brooklyn production a. The company was 1999 sold to the Pope brewery. There in the museum found the back country mountain bikers the front door of the family home from Wetzlar grain market, the Bill Schaefer in 1966 brought to the United States. In addition to many requests from the audience there was much applause for Uli Weigel and Harald Becker for their transatlantic travel report, The highlighted the historical and vibrant connections between people in the US and Germany by way of example.


The next bridge-Stammtisch on Wednesday, the 4. March 2015 one 19.30 Clock at the Hotel Köhler reported the student Dominik Jung of his six-month internship experiences in the USA with Ion Power in Delaware.
Guests are welcome.

Giessen baker's son baked for American independence

Historian Prof. DR. Holger Thomas Graf informed the bridge-Stammtisch on the role of Giessen and Wetzlarern in the US War of Independence


The historian Prof. DR. Holger Thomas Graf reported in bridge-Stammtisch on the role of Hesse in the American War of Independence
The historian Prof. DR. Holger Thomas Graf reported in bridge-Stammtisch on the role of Hesse in the American War of Independence

In the historical memory of Americans who Hesse for the identity of their young nation to play a significant role, underlined the historian Prof. DR. Holger Thomas Graf from the Philipps University Marburg at the Stammtisch of the German-American Club "The Bridge" Gießen-Wetzlar. In his presentation at the Hotel Köhler he lit under the title “Die „Hessian Mercenaries“ –

Facts and Myths”, the role of the Hessian mercenaries in the American War of Independence against some 230 Years, under which men from the central Hessian cities Giessen and Wetzlar fought.


The role of the "Hessians" a wide audience in the German TV films were known as "The winter was a summer" (D 1976) and "The great adventure of Kaspar Taste" (GDR 1982), informed Graef. The "land sold children" but called as mercenaries was rather standard of warfare then rinsed and money in the coffers of the German principalities was one of the reasons, that many Hesse came to America. Another reason was the appeal of the soldiers profession with good and safe payment and career, many of the citizens left their signatures to make the "subsidy treaties", explained the historian. The minority was forced Recruited. However, the Hesse had a very bad reputation. Prejudices were supported by Americans, as in the well-known story in Washington Irwin's "Legend of Sleepy Hollow", in which a Hessian mercenaries as a headless horseman plays a mysterious role. Americans were a barbaric enemy inoculated in various publications. This had an impact even into the post-war period from, when it came to the back rearmament of Germany and Eisenhower 1951 said, he did not want a Hessian mercenary. 19 Volunteers from the free imperial city of Wetzlar and 25 Pour in the Principality of Hesse-Darmstadt dressed for the British in the American War of Independence, Graef determined from available sources. Of these, one third were over 30 Year old. They were in the units of Hesse-Hannover, Used Hesse-Cassel and Waldecker regiments. The fact that only one death in the immediate acts of war, but 12 died from diseases surprise the more, as the only four Mittelhessen after the war to their former homes Europe returned. Five were proven in the US, 11 deserted and further 11 Soldiers of the whereabouts unknown. He also recalled a different fate and that of the "soldier's" Christopher Ludwich, the son of a baker in Giessen. That was about all sorts of detours in the service of Austria and Prussia, then come as a British sailor to Philadelphia and had brought it there later to wealth. 1777 of Hesse was appointed from the city on the Lahn as an American patriot to the chief baker and chief of field bakery of US troops in the Revolutionary War, informed Dr. Graef final. The bridge-President Roger Schmidt and Günther Schmadel thanked the historian for this interesting transatlantic history lesson.



What would Caesar probably advise Obama?

Bridge meeting in pouring over Rome and Romans

The volunteers of the State Office for Archälogie, Norbert Kissel, referierte beim Stammtisch des Deutsch-Amerikanischen Klubs "Die Brücke" Gießen-Wetzlar Hotel Köhler in pouring over Rome, the city, the Empire and their lives in our region to around 2.000 Years
The volunteers of the State Office for Archälogie, Norbert Kissel, lectured at the Stammtisch of German-American Clubs “The Bridge” Gießen-Wetzlar Hotel Köhler in pouring over Rome, the city, the Empire and their lives in our region to around 2.000 Years

CASTING-WETZLAR / MEDIUM HESSE (rge/ger/rg), At the recent Stammtisch of the German-American Club "The Bridge" Giessen-Wetzlar casting it went in at the Hotel Köhler at a past empire. The volunteers of the Hessian State Office of Historic Monuments and principals of Adolf Empire Wine School Pohl Home, Norbert Kissel, reported on Rome as an ancient city, as an empire and about their lives in our central Hesse region. He accused the guests to the question: "Are the United States a new Rome?“


Not only is the new sound knowledge of the sciences on life back then drew the audience in his entertaining presentation in its spell. He also finds, brought as coins and pottery shards and golden Mulsum. Enriched with honey and pepper wine he served at the outset his listeners. This Roman taste test he used to transition into life in the former ancient city. Approximately one million people counted Ancient Rome, which had originated from a small village on the Tiber. The streets were crowded. Stars were at the Emperor and people Gladiators, comparable to today's footballers. They were highly paid and trained expensive. Were killed in the circus arenas mostly prisoners and slaves, in this cruel spectacle. The majority of Romans lived in tenements, up to 10 Floors could include. The road was already traffic-calmed. Tags should be no carts on the roads be, so the findings of historians. An Essen, Pleasure, Money it was mostly in the life of the Romans. Technically the Romans were to a high standard, of in 9.000 Km long pan-European road network and sometimes still reflected in the water supply by means of aqueducts. And the legal system was groundbreaking. In the Empire there lived under the "Pax Romana" (Roman peace) quite well, as long as you assimilated and did not resist, Kissel led from. For the Romans were the people their religions. The Imperial Senate with management and administration was streamlined and efficient. The military fully trained and equipped, so Kissel. Nevertheless, there were, how to cope with Varus in the Teutoburg Forest in Germania also defeats. In the forest battle the Romans were inferior. Due to the Great Migration, the empire began around the 4. To crumble century. The pay could not be paid for the Legionaries. Earlier, the 550 Kilometer Limes no "iron curtain", Kissel admitted with prejudice on. Rather, it was a demarcation line. It was between Germania and the Roman occupied territories a great civilization- given and wealth gap. Brisk trade was getreiben with living in our region Germanic chat. Of which had some served in the Roman army and learned the art of war there. Also, Turks and Syrians were here at that time in the Roman order in use. The Limes in our region to Butzbach, Pohl Home and Lich served particularly to safeguard the granary Wetterau. Excavations, as the Villa Rustica at Gambach, have provided insights into the everyday life, especially about clothes and food.


Rome was not comparable to the USA, so Kissel. However, the two great powers of their time all were. Interestingly, however, should be given the current challenges in the world, what the Caesars, probably President Obama had come, so his closing remarks after a historically interesting and entertaining lecture.

The life of Karl-Wilhelm von Schlieben - From foe to friend

About Prussia, Empire, National Socialism up to the US-friend and bridge-supporters in casting

From the family archives of Schlieben an excerpt from People's Observer in June 1944 (Image: Privat / Repro rg)
From the family archives of Schlieben an excerpt from People's Observer in June 1944 (Image: Privat / Repro rg)

CASTING / MEDIUM HESSE (rge/ger/rg), August 2014, This summer will mark the seventieth year of the Allied landings in Normandy. There Beginn that Operation "Overlord" am 6. June 1944 heralded the end of Nazi rule a. Until the 8. May 1945 with the surrender of the German Empire was fought but still almost a year dogged in Europe and died a million times. The garrison commander of Cherbourg, Lieutenant General Karl-Wilhelm von Schlieben, ended already at 26. June 1944 with the surrender of proclaimed by Hitler "fortress" against the "Führer Order" the fighting around the French city on the Channel. 800 Soldiers were in a hopeless situation with him from his underground command bunker in St. Sauveur in captivity. The following day, there were then more 10.000 Wehrmacht soldiers after the surrender was known. It was the end of organized hostilities in Cherbourg. Many soldiers from both sides survived by war. After his time as a prisoner of war in England came from Schlieben 1950 to Giessen, where he established the so-called "lab-Service-Units" (internationale Wach- and service units) for the U.S. Army on. His wife Eleanor of Schlieben was in the early years of the 50-year active member of the German-American Club "The Bridge" in the university town of Giessen.


An extraordinary life story, the two world wars and of sufficient faith in the supposedly right thing, led over doubts in their own activity to new insights and life decisions. The two granddaughters Elisabeth von Maltzahn and Ellen Schwarzburg-von Wedel wanted to know more about the history of her grandfather, after his imprisonment in 1947 of 1950 until his death on 18. June 1964 lived in Giessen.


The two women were on 26. June 2014 invited with their families to a ceremony to commemorate the events in and around Cherbourg as representatives of their grandfather in the Castle of Servigny. Ellen Black Castle Wedel recalled in her speech to veterans and representatives of the nations involved in the long road of enemies to friends.


There, at a historic place was Lieutenant General of Schlieben before then 70 Years, the U.S. General Joseph Lawton "Lightnin’ Joe "Collins over and sealed the surrender of Cherbourg. The German professional soldier had completed a model for its time career until then. As his father moved there Karl-Wilhelm to the soldiers. In the Prussian army under the Empire, he joined at the beginning of 1. World War on 11. August 1914 a. Up to the ordnance officer at the General Command, he managed and survived the war. In the Reichswehr of the Weimar period he continued career and was established in October 1929 promoted to captain. Under the Nazis, he served as adjutant at various rod regiments in use. From 1942 he was employed on the Eastern Front, only at 4. Rifle Brigade, Then, in the 208. Infantry Division and was from April to December 1943 as commander of the 18. Panzer-Division in use. He then became the Atlantic Wall to 709. Abkommandiert Infantry Division in Normandy. After the Allied landings named him Adolf Hitler to the commander of the fortress of Cherbourg. Only three days later he was found with his soldiers. The complete superiority of the Allies then also underlined as a "top secret thing" designated management report of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel from 15.7.1944. "The situation at the front in Normandy is difficult from day to day … . Our own losses are … so high. "Alone of the 97.000 used German soldiers died daily to 3.000 Men. "The unequal struggle draws to a close." As the assessment of drum due to the superiority of the Allies and their own losses within a few weeks after landing. For his conduct in Cherbourg Lieutenant General Karl-Wilhelm von Schlieben of Hitler was covered with accusations and criticism.


In the subsequent British prisoner of war in Trent Park stalked by Schlieben further doubt on his participation for the Nazi regime. Thus in the surveillance records of the British CSDIC in response to the attempt to assassinate Hitler on 20. July 1944 Quotations as to read from it "… This millennial kingdom is even now hopefully be over soon. ". And in dealing with Hitler he wished: "I would hand him over to the Russians, in some Siberian mine, Case settled. "And about Dachau and other concentration camps he gave in May 1945 to: "Everybody knew, happen that terrible things there - not what, but that terrible things happen because, knew each of us, even then 1935 " (Vgl. Sönke Neitzel book of "Heard" - German generals in British war captivity 1942-1945, Porpyläen 2005).


With all these documents, deal not only historians but to this day his descendants. He after the war by the Americans the opportunity was given for his repatriation for it to work, is the other side of the coin, which made him the erstwhile adversary to friend. And also his wife Eleonore from 1950 the German-American Club "The Bridge" in casting was connected with him at his side, forms from this other side, which was dedicated from then on international understanding and connecting mutual aid.


In her speech, the granddaughter said on Memorial Day in Cherbourg: „… To 70 Years, we are at the place, where our grandfather gave up a fight, which it never should be. … Your invitation we understand as a gesture of reconciliation. "She recalled the helpfulness and solidarity without being patronizing after the war by the Allies. By "The Bridge" (German-American Club Gießen-Wetzlar) developed close and friendly relations, there were really "building bridges", so Schwarzburg-von Wedel. "In the name of our grandfather, I ask for forgiveness from all my heart!"She said, referring to the atrocities in Nazi concentration camps in front of the veterans and international visitors in France. That her grandfather a guide command, has refused on the task in Cherbourg and prevent shootings in Russia, for them in her memory as exemplary granddaughter.


That their lives in Pohlheim sister Elizabeth had asked for the parent table of the "bridge" at the Hotel Köhler in casting these days her lecture under the title "From foe to friend", was another component of this historical elaboration of a generation, the only after these events in 2. World War I was growing up and the reminder is obliged. "How glad and happy our grandfather would have been, if he had known, that his descendants this place (Cherbourg) have visited and that his grandchildren and great-grandchildren have understood with the grandchildren and great grandchildren of General Collins amicable. "

BRIDGE-Stammtisch at the 3. Septemper 2014: "The Roman - Germanic life in the Roman Empire"

Norbert Kissel
Norbert Kissel

CASTING / MEDIUM HESSE (rg) - On Wednesday, the 3. September 2014 is to 19.30 Clock historian Norbert Kissel guest at "THE BRIDGE". The Hotel Köhler he is the master table on the Romans in coexistence with the Germans along the Upper Germanic-Rhaetian Limes before about 2000 Report years. Members and interested citizens are invited. Admission is free.

Lincoln-Rede: “Masterpiece of motivation”

Motivational speaker Scholz at the bridge:

René Scholz (Center) was for his presentation about the Lincoln speech in Gettysburg from the bridge-President Roger Schmidt (on the right) und Tom Leiser (Vorstand Brücke und Friends of the Lahn) thanks
René Scholz (Center) was for his presentation about the Lincoln speech in Gettysburg from the bridge-President Roger Schmidt (on the right) und Tom Leiser (Vorstand Brücke und Friends of the Lahn) thanks

CASTING / MEDIUM HESSE (rge/ger/rg), At the 12. February 1809 U.S. President Abraham Lincoln was born. At the 18. November 1863 held the 16. President of the USA's most important speech at the dedication of the military cemetery on the battlefield of Gettysburg, still 150 Years later every American learns and internalizes in school. The well-known "Gettysburg Address" was a rhetorical masterpiece as his motivation in the story. The Frankfurt motivational speaker for managers, René Scholz, themed and analyzed these Lincoln's speech at a lecture as a guest speaker at the German-American Club "The Bridge" Giessen-Wetzlar.


The meaning in the Community transported Lincoln in just two minutes and 278 Words long speech in perfection, informed Scholz Hotel Köhler before the audience. Set in the Civil War, he appealed to the unity of the nation. He finished in the course of his presidency, the Civil War, signed laws against slavery and prepared the way of the United States as a world power. His speech was in perfectly a unique motivation of citizens succeeded. For the first time it was possible through media that message across the nation to spread quickly. Community donate, the unconditional-shaping- give and will to power and the human meaning and purpose, are in the process succeeded with his words in a unique way. Such shortages today in the US-nation. Without these "best U.S. president" did not exist presumably the Western world with its democratic, military and economic alliances, as we know it today, stressed Scholz. Of particular importance in the speech games so the recurring word "we" and "us" in the citing country and the Community. Teachings and paternalism finds, however, no, for recurring core messages. The question of "how" to face in the motivation of people to new challenges not only politicians but also business for their employees, so Scholz. The uses of the coach for executives in his workshops. The feat that Lincoln had succeeded in his speech, was then easy to explain complex events and thus to convey the core message of the unity of the nation in the upcoming challenge convincing. Abraham Lincoln ended his speech by saying that time " … Rather, it is to us, us to the great task, which is yet to come, to undertake - …. - On that this nation, Under God, a new birth of freedom to experience - and that government of the people, by the people and for the people, should not perish from the earth. "