"Face of the Airlift" Gail S. Halvorsen awarded in Frankfurt

Transatlantic appreciated ambassadors for freedom and humanity from VDAC

Bridge-President Roger Schmidt together with Mercedes and Peter Wild (Center) and US Consul General in Frankfurt, James W. Herman (on the right)
Bridge-President Roger Schmidt together with Mercedes and Peter Wild (Center) and US Consul General in Frankfurt, James W. Herman (on the right)

FRANKFURT, 11.10.2015 – „Gail S. Halvorsen is like no other, the face of the Berlin Airlift "said the former CEO of Fraport AG Prof. Wilhelm Bender at the presentation of the General Lucius D. Clay Medal to the world-famous Berlin Airlift pilots. In Romer him singing the 150 invited guests at the ceremony in the framework of the German-American Day 2015 the Federation of German-American Clubs (VDAC) a birthday song, because on the same day he celebrated with his family in the United States its 95. Geburtstag. For health reasons, he was unable to cross the Atlantic, it took decades of good friend Mercedes Wild, on his behalf, the Clay medal counter. She had collected as a child from become known as the "Candy Bomber" Sweets, the children in Berlin during the blockade made happy in his improvised by himself parachutes and gave hope.

The enthusiasm for this action for freedom of Berlin, whose example many pilots in the years 1948/1949 followed, made history and himself a "pop star in the cockpit". Children and young people follow him today with his personal experience reports in schools and universities, which are always characterized by the central message of humanity and international understanding. This was also emphasized by Bender, because it is not self-evident, that 70 Advertises years after these historic events Halvorsen still so committed to transatlantic relations. "He is authentic and friendly" he summarizes his charisma together.


VDAC President Jacob shot handed the Clay Medal to Berliner Mercedes Wild with the best wishes for Halvorsen. Previously, the City Council Chairman Stephan Siegler him had, US-Generalkonsul James W. Herman, der Vizepräsident des American Chamber of Commerce David R. Knower and the director of the Atlantic Academy
DR. David Sirakov acknowledged in welcome addresses. It featured all of the speakers and the transatlantic activities of VDAC with his student exchange and youth program out. For the musical accompaniment during the ceremony, the musicians provided the Brass6`tett of Heeresmusikkorps Kassel.

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