Tag Archives: support

"Together for Central Hesse" – 5.000 Euro Volksbank donation to THE BRIDGE

DR. Lars Witteck (3. v.l.) and Regional Director Alexander Zippel (on the right) were happy with the winners of the Volksbank funding competition from the DIE BRÜCKE-Klub.

CASTING-WETZLAR (rg / guardian / ger), At the beginning of the year, our German-American club DIE BRÜCKE Giessen-Wetzlar took part in the Volksbank Mittelhessen competition “Together for Central Hesse”. Our commitment has now been made with a donation of an incredible amount 5.000 EURO!!!rewarded. From the hands of Volksbank board member Dr. Lars Witteck and the regional director Alexander Zippel received our delegation with Kerstin Pal, Cathrine Friebel-Müller, Helmut Ott, Fritz Hoßbach and President Roger Schmidt officially presented the donation check at the Volksbank headquarters in Gießen. Regional director Zippel was happy for DIE BRÜCKE and said “With your voluntary work you are not only getting involved for social or cultural purposes. You are committed to an entire region and the people who live here in an exemplary manner. We are proud of such an active club life and are therefore happy to support them. ”“ We are happy, that with the Volksbank donation we can further strengthen our transatlantic programs for young people on both sides of the Atlantic with their unifying goals. ", Roger Schmidt thanked DIE BRÜCKE for this generous monetary support.