What would Caesar probably advise Obama?

Bridge meeting in pouring over Rome and Romans
The volunteers of the State Office for Archälogie, Norbert Kissel, referierte beim Stammtisch des Deutsch-Amerikanischen Klubs "Die Brücke" Gießen-Wetzlar Hotel Köhler in pouring over Rome, the city, the Empire and their lives in our region to around 2.000 Years
The volunteers of the State Office for Archälogie, Norbert Kissel, lectured at the Stammtisch of German-American Clubs “The Bridge” Gießen-Wetzlar Hotel Köhler in pouring over Rome, the city, the Empire and their lives in our region to around 2.000 Years

CASTING-WETZLAR / MEDIUM HESSE (rge/ger/rg), At the recent Stammtisch of the German-American Club "The Bridge" Giessen-Wetzlar casting it went in at the Hotel Köhler at a past empire. The volunteers of the Hessian State Office of Historic Monuments and principals of Adolf Empire Wine School Pohl Home, Norbert Kissel, reported on Rome as an ancient city, as an empire and about their lives in our central Hesse region. He accused the guests to the question: "Are the United States a new Rome?“


Not only is the new sound knowledge of the sciences on life back then drew the audience in his entertaining presentation in its spell. He also finds, brought as coins and pottery shards and golden Mulsum. Enriched with honey and pepper wine he served at the outset his listeners. This Roman taste test he used to transition into life in the former ancient city. Approximately one million people counted Ancient Rome, which had originated from a small village on the Tiber. The streets were crowded. Stars were at the Emperor and people Gladiators, comparable to today's footballers. They were highly paid and trained expensive. Were killed in the circus arenas mostly prisoners and slaves, in this cruel spectacle. The majority of Romans lived in tenements, up to 10 Floors could include. The road was already traffic-calmed. Tags should be no carts on the roads be, so the findings of historians. An Essen, Pleasure, Money it was mostly in the life of the Romans. Technically the Romans were to a high standard, of in 9.000 Km long pan-European road network and sometimes still reflected in the water supply by means of aqueducts. And the legal system was groundbreaking. In the Empire there lived under the "Pax Romana" (Roman peace) quite well, as long as you assimilated and did not resist, Kissel led from. For the Romans were the people their religions. The Imperial Senate with management and administration was streamlined and efficient. The military fully trained and equipped, so Kissel. Nevertheless, there were, how to cope with Varus in the Teutoburg Forest in Germania also defeats. In the forest battle the Romans were inferior. Due to the Great Migration, the empire began around the 4. To crumble century. The pay could not be paid for the Legionaries. Earlier, the 550 Kilometer Limes no "iron curtain", Kissel admitted with prejudice on. Rather, it was a demarcation line. It was between Germania and the Roman occupied territories a great civilization- given and wealth gap. Brisk trade was getreiben with living in our region Germanic chat. Of which had some served in the Roman army and learned the art of war there. Also, Turks and Syrians were here at that time in the Roman order in use. The Limes in our region to Butzbach, Pohl Home and Lich served particularly to safeguard the granary Wetterau. Excavations, as the Villa Rustica at Gambach, have provided insights into the everyday life, especially about clothes and food.


Rome was not comparable to the USA, so Kissel. However, the two great powers of their time all were. Interestingly, however, should be given the current challenges in the world, what the Caesars, probably President Obama had come, so his closing remarks after a historically interesting and entertaining lecture.

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