Leica camera from the airship Hindenburg traveled through USA

Hinterländer mountain bikers were guests at the bridge-Stammtisch - on US tour
The bridge-chairman Roger Schmidt (links) and Günther Schmadel (on the right) welcomed to the meeting at the Hotel Köhler the hinterlands Mountain Bicker Harald Becker (Clinks, links) and Uli Weigel, who reported on their exciting journey with the wheels in the US. Always with the old Leica (on the table), die schon im brennenden Luftschiff "Hindenburg" was in New York doing
The bridge-chairman Roger Schmidt (links) and Günther Schmadel (on the right) welcomed to the meeting at the Hotel Köhler the hinterlands Mountain Bicker Harald Becker (Center, links) and Uli Weigel, who reported on their exciting journey with the wheels in the US. Always with the old Leica (on the table), already in the burning airship “Hindenburg” was in New York doing

CASTING-WETZLAR / MEDIUM HESSE (rge/ger/rg), They were with their bikes as far as China go, toured the cities and jungles of Brazil and crossed the wilderness of Namibia. We are talking about the back country mountain bikers Uli Weigel, Jörg pitcher, Harald Becker, Siegfried Pitzer and Matthias Schmidt. At the recent meeting of the Stammtisch German-American Club "The Bridge" at the Hotel Köhler reported two of them with Uli Weigel and Harald Becker from their recent trip, which had led to a new challenge in the wide open spaces of the West of the USA and in the east to New York. Before the numerous guests come they had brought beside her richly illustrated report and a film, the original Leica camera, which in the crash of the airship Hindenburg in Lakehurst on 6. May 1937 had been on board. A special experience for the bridge visitors, because they were the highly assured piece of history once camera in her hand. The bridge-chairman Roger Schmidt presented the well-traveled mountain biking from the Lahn-Dill-Kreis in the pouring more than 40 Hotel to Watch List.


In September 2014 they were 10 "History, he" driving in their current project days "" this time under the title "The New World in the footsteps of Moontainbike-Sports" on the road in America. Amazed they registered upon their arrival in the US, that cycling in the Amis is all the rage. Countless like-minded people met them on the tour. In the Wild West, they were welcome guests in the Leica Store in Los Angeles Consulate were in the local German received and then experienced the dangerous American rush with their wheels. A winery in the Napa Valey legendary was one of the stops, there on the hot Trail Napa, they had their first breakdown, they doused with a cold beer in the evening. Especially great they found, to the legends of the mountain bike sport with Joe Breeze, Got to know in Fairfax Gary Fisher and Otis Guy. The "Hall of fame" of cycling, they visited the "Museum of Bycycling". Toll their riding over the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. From there it was but then with the Flyers in the east to New York, informed Weigel laughing. 4.800 Kilometers were then but for central Hesse cyclists, given the tight schedule too much. There in the "Big Apple" was then also that of ihne so christened "Hörler girl", the Statue of Liberty on their visit plan. They had researched, that the ancestors of the creator Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, came from the German home. His ancestor "Barthold" lived as a Huguenot in Oberhörlen (Steffensberg) and was there before 329 Married years. On Liberty Iceland you have already been informed of the arrival of the cyclists on their search for clues and waved them through friendly, as reported Harald Becker of his encounter with the local rangers. With the Leica camera in the luggage they visited the crash site of the Hindenburg in Lakehurst and met the museum director Don Adams. Finally, they also visited Bill Combs, in nephew of Bill Schaefer, whose father Maximilian Shepherd 1839 had emigrated from Central Hesse in the USA. Together with his brother Frederick,d he already 1838 Germany had left, they built from 1842 to 1968 a brewery empire with 4000 Employment under the brand "Schaefer Beer" on. 1976 set it as the last brewery in Brooklyn production a. The company was 1999 sold to the Pope brewery. There in the museum found the back country mountain bikers the front door of the family home from Wetzlar grain market, the Bill Schaefer in 1966 brought to the United States. In addition to many requests from the audience there was much applause for Uli Weigel and Harald Becker for their transatlantic travel report, The highlighted the historical and vibrant connections between people in the US and Germany by way of example.


The next bridge-Stammtisch on Wednesday, the 4. March 2015 one 19.30 Clock at the Hotel Köhler reported the student Dominik Jung of his six-month internship experiences in the USA with Ion Power in Delaware.
Guests are welcome.

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