Look at the new headquarters of the U.S. Army in Europe,de

Bridge's visit to Wiesbaden

sBrücke_Wiesbaden_2016_GruppeCASTING-WETZLAR-WIESBADEN (guardian), May 2016 – A 48-member tour group of German-American Clubs THE BRIDGE Gießen-Wetzlar was this day visited the new headquarters of the U.S. Army in Europe (USAREUR) in Wiesbaden. were welcomed central Hessian guests from "Chief of staff", Brigadier General Mark T. Laubenthal in Lucius D. Clay Kaserne. Besides visiting the Army Museum a flying visit of the new Mission Command Center was at General John M. Shalikashvili Building on the plan. As the first Bundeswehr officer Laubenthal was as chief of staff of the supreme commander of USAREUR commander, Lieutenant General Donald M. Campbell Jr., appoint, learned the bridge visitors. A special honor and confidence in the German-American Cooperation, as Laubenthal in his lecture entitled "Strong Europe - Strong Europe" raised his calling forth. He oversees are personally and organizationally 800 Soldiers of Staff of the U.S. Army Europe. It also supports the commander in the integration into NATO- and other partners in the USAREUR. The challenges have become more complex in the face of threats, which have increased again in Europe.

sBrücke_Wiesbaden_2016_GThey require appropriate measures in the plans, which the military to protect their partners, would currently represent particularly the Baltic states and their neighbors southeast, he stressed. After the presentation and a tour of the barracks still stood a tour of Airfields, the stationed Black Hawk helicopters and airplanes on the plan. Finally we went for coffee and cake on the neighboring Hofgut domain Mechthild Hausen, before it went to a very sunny day with lots of information back to Mittelhessen. Thanked this was especially the American and German hosts in Wiesbaden, and board member Petra Bröckmann, which organized the visit for THE BRIDGE.sBrücke_Wiesbaden_2016_F

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