Robot showed at BRIDGE BBQ in the small animal park he can

Come together at the bridge-BBQ in remote forest with US high school students

FERN FOREST / CASTING / WETZLAR (rg / guardian / ger), This year was the German-American Klub THE BRIDGE Gießen-Wetzlar young American guests from the Wiesbaden US high school at the traditional BBQ guest. The group of students who came with their teacher Brian Barns in the small zoo in Steinbach and presented it one of them developed and built robots. Thus they demonstrated their work from the 25-member task force "RoboWarriors FIRST Team # 3011" with pupils aged 10 to 17 Years in which they had participated in the FIRST Robotics Competition. The international program is to introduce young people to science and technology, so this time the project was to build a robot for a space station "Destination: Deep Space“. The complex model had to be solved tasks of transportation. One of the FIRST programs for young people is to be established in central Hesse soon, announced bridge-President Roger Schmidt, together with the responsible bridge board member Henri Becker plans for 2020 an. Initial discussions with the central German organizers in Leipzig have already been held. Support from politics, Education and the economy were already signals for the new bridge projects in Central Hesse, so presentation robots were in the Fern Forest during the BBQ, among other things, the two Hessian state parliament Frank Tilo cup (Pour) and Frank Stein Raths (Lahn-Dill) interested and amazed guests American US about the complex project work of young people. They had just six weeks needed in their work after the regular classes. For the class fund there were ever a bridge-donation 200 Euro for the high school students and baseball club caps as a reminder of their visit. Success of the internship program was already on the bridge of the start this year. Project Manager Helmut Ott was here together welcome Joshua Pietz from the Univerity Wisconsin with the bridge members, the three months in the company ESE engineering and software development in the field of artificial inteligence (Of), thanks to the mediation of the member Daniel Pal working there, is working. Another intern is with Price Andrew Watson from Alabama currently at the cultural organization INTERKULTUR in Fernwald operates.

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