Chancellery chief Helge Braun acknowledged human bridge builder in remote forest

Chancellery chief Helge Braun acknowledged human bridge builder in remote forest

BRIDGE talk with head of the chancellery Prof. DR. Helge Braun at INTERKULTUR in Fernwald

Chancellery Minister Prof. DR. Helge Braun met on Monday (22.10.2018) with members of the German-American clubs THE BRIDGE Gießen-Wetzlar in remote forest to transatlantic exchange. In the German headquarters of the internationally active cultural organization INTERKULTUR in Steinbacher industrial estate "Ruhberg" welcomed bridge-President Roger Schmidt together with inter-cultural President Günter Titsch the guest from the capital Berlin ago 30 interested listeners. "Times have changed dramatically." Turned brown clear right at the beginning. Ties to the West and NATO are no longer a matter of course, as in previous years. Politicians change, people stay, he pointed out and appreciated the importance of international interpersonal exchanges, as by THE BRIDGE in the youth- and student exchanges. to survive difficult periods, is an important task of politics and diplomacy. Easy judgments about others, are not attached. Democratic decisions in other countries, it was necessary to respect. The German government must currently set daily on new unforeseen events, Brown reported from his daily work at the Chancellery. Solutions are not always, hope as many citizens, to quickly find underlined Braun and reminded of the upcoming United Kingdom and Gibraltar European Union membership referendum, threatened protectionism, the refugees from Africa and the Arab countries because of war, poverty and military missions. A special form of peace policy with the help of culture in the choir music conveys INERKULTUR was recognized in the course. The internationally established host to Titsch presented at the Bridge talk to the minister their international choral festival before, including in the US. The Olympics of choirs with the World Choir Games were so 2012 in Cincinnati/Ohio statt, Brown learned. Titsch mediated the challenges in the visa policy and other obstacles in the political tension, to these festivals to organize successfully. Brown could experience, that not only America but among other things, China, Russia and South Africa are among the countries event of INTERKULTUR. Building bridges between people, connects the two organizations such as THE BRIDGE and INTERKULTUR, said Günter Titsch at the end of talks. Schmidt thanked end at Brown for coming and talking openly and Titsch for hospitality.

Group photo after BRIDGE-TALK with Chancellor Amtschef Prof. DR. Helge Braun at the peace bell of the World Choir Games

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