BRIDGE Board request confirm - Honors – New transatlantic projects before start

CASTING / WETZLAR (rg / guardian / ger), Ehrungen, Elections and the forthcoming launch of new promising projects for young people this and were the focus of the annual meeting across the Atlantic the German-American clubs THE BRIDGE Gießen-Wetzlar. So an internship were- successfully implemented and school program. The members had met at the Hotel Köhler in Gießen. As a long-time members were for 40 Years, the US-American Sallie Neubrand and Ingrid Kreiling, Birgit and Martin Zimmermann 30 Years and 25 Michaela years Breithaupt and Ute and Matheus Brinks-Rothärmel honored by the bridge-President Roger Schmidt and Petra Bröckmann. In the absence Heidi Battenberg and Gerhard Adam were for 30 Years and Margitta Ludwig and Herbert Schmitt for 25 Years Club loyalty thanks and appreciation expressed.

Previously bridge-President Roger Schmidt had looked back on numerous highlights in the past year in its annual report. Friendly host one was in the 71. Convention of the Federation of German-American clubs around 100 Delegates from all over Germany in Wetzlar. Here the great support of the city government was recognized. In addition to the New Year's Reception with the astronaut Thomas Reiter, were able to bridge transatlantic events, among others, Chancellery Minister Dr. Helge Braun, are the Frankfurt SPD politician Marlies van der Malsburg and Simone Hofmann of B`nai B`rith Loge Frankfurt welcomes presentations and discussions. Good contacts with an information evening was usually with the Anglo-German Society casting. The exchange student Janina Böcher inform about their study experience in the US at a Stammtisch. the first time was celebrated "4th of July" in the summer with a garden party, was pleased with many guests at a BBQ in the small zoo Steinbach and festive Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, Raffle and Co. Rustico Heuchelheim. Together with the Wetzlar partnership associations were organized there, the International carol singing. On the way they were, among others, on the Erzwanderweg in Vogelsberg and the Gruenberger Gallusmarkt. Student Representative Kerstin Pal rejoiced, that the current US student Andrew Price Watson has settled in well at JLU. In the coming academic year, no German student goes to the USA, because the candidate these days has canceled his participation and no replacement can be found at short notice, informed Pal. Helmut Ott was able to report an impending launch of the new bridge Internship Project. Two young students will be engaged for three months under this bridge program in German companies. Ott told of previous numerous positive discussions with the Hessian State Chancellery, the two central Hesse IHKs, Companies and universities, and gave thanks for the support. wants to advancing transatlantic partnerships with regional schools in the STEM fields, informed the person in charge Henri Becker. Here meetings were held with the Robotics project group of US high school in the state capital Wiesbaden. There is great interest with central Hessian schools in the project development of robots exchange at the level of young people. Treasurer Fritz Hoßbach was able to report a positive cash situation, Jürgen Gemmer and Ingrid Kreiling examiner confirmed. The relief was unanimous.

In the elections, there was unanimous following results: President Roger Schmidt, Vice-President Petra Bröckmann, Treasurer Fritz Hoßbach, Student Representative Kerstin Pal, Assessor Klaus Müller (New) and Secretary Stefanie Vera Müller. For the committees Evelyne Schmadel and Gabriele Stephan were (Social Events), Cathrine Friebel and Helmut Ott (German American Affairs), Henri Becker (Wetzlar) and Jürgen Gemmer (Berater) appointed. Thanks with gifts went to Volker Stephan and Günther Schmadel, the after 26 Years of volunteer work were no longer for election to the Executive Board and committees.

An amendment necessary because of the new data protection regulation was approved unanimously.

In view stands for the coming year 2020 the great jubilee "70 years THE BRIDGE" announced Schmidt plans. In addition to the pub at the Hotel Köhler the summer BBQ in this year on 7. July and Thanksgiving Dinner 23. November already been terminated. All BRIDGE-dates can be found

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