Category Archives: People

„Auf Kurs bleiben für die Menschen“

Deutsch-Amerikanischer Klub DIE BRÜCKE ehrte Mitglieder

DIE BRÜCKE ehrte langjährige Mitglieder bei der Jahreshauptversammlung 2018

CASTING / WETZLAR (rge/ger/rg), 10.04.2018 – Beim Deutsch-Amerikanischen Klub DIE BRÜCKE Gießen-Wetzlar konnten in der Jahresmitgliederversammlung die Präsidenten Roger Schmidt und Petra Bröckmann Ehrungen langjähriger Mitglieder vornehmen. So wurden im Hotel Köhler in Gießen Heidrun Kanter für 40 Years, Ruth und Dieter Grebe, der Bundestagsabgeordnete Hans-Jürgen Irmer, Walter Ludwig und Ida Wagner für 30 Jahre sowie Regina Adam -teilweise in Abwesenheit- Dank und Anerkennung für ihre Klubtreue ausgesprochen. Im Jahresbericht erinnerte Schmidt an den Höhepunkt des vergangenen Jahres mit dem Brücke-Benefizkonzert „Winter MUSIC Wonderland“ mit Orchester, Chören und Solisten im ausverkauften Forum der Volksbank Mittelhessen in Gießen im Dezember. Eine Spende in Gesamthöhe von 5.000 Euro an die Lebenshilfe Gießen sowie für den transatlantischen Jugend- und Studentenaustausch war das schöne Ergebnis gewesen. Gedankt wurde dafür allen Beteiligten und Unterstützern. Zum Jahresprogramm gehörten zudem der Neujahrsempfang mit Generalmajor Markus Laubenthal und in diesem Jahr mit Astronaut Thomas Reiter. Das festliche Goose-Dinner zu Thanksgiving und ein Sommer-BBQ gehörten ebenso zu gesellschaftlichen Ereignissen mit zahlreichen Gästen bei dem 112 Mitglieder zählenden Klubs. Bei den Stammtischen gab es wieder interessante Gäste, wie beispielsweise Schriftstellerin Jule Heck, Prof. DR. Ulf Sibelius von PalliativPro oder dem Leiter der Musikschule Wetzlar, Thomas Sander. „Auf Kurs bleiben und auf rauer See immer die Menschen zu sehen auf die es ankommt.“ sagte Schmidt im Blick auf aktuelle Ereignisse in der Welt und die transatlantische Verständigung, für die die Brücke auch in Zukunft einstehen werde. Kerstin Ruppel als Studentenbeauftragte informierte danach über das VDAC-Austauschprogramm für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene. In diesem Jahr hat die deutsche Studentin Julia Sophie van der Horst das Stipendium für eine US-amerikanische Universität erhalten. Ein amerikanischer Student wird im Sommer wieder in Mittelhessen erwartet. Schatzmeister Fritz Hoßbach konnte von einer guten Kassenlage berichten. Entlastung von der Versammlung gab es auf Vorschlag der Prüfer Nicole Heppner und Jürgen Gemmer einstimmig. Neue Kassenprüfer sind neben Gemmer, Ingrid Kreiling und Martin Zimmermann. Am Ende der Versammlung informierte Schmidt über die bevorstehende Convention (Mitgliederversammlung) des Verbandes der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Klubs (VDAC). Gastgeberstadt ist dann vom 4. to 6. May. 2018 Wetzlar. In Gesprächen ist man bei der Brücke mit deutschen und US-Vertretern aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Universitäten zur Etablierung eines Praktika-Programms für junge Erwachsene, die Erfahrungen in renommierten Unternehmen aus Mittelhessen und jenseits des Atlantiks in den USA sammeln wollen, informierte das für Deutsch-Amerikanische Beziehungen mitverantwortliche Brücke-Vorstandsmitglied Helmut Ott. Weitere Infos über DIE BRÜCKE und ihre Aktivitäten im Internet auf


"Fakenews damage trust of society"

Chief of Staff“ der US-Army Europe Brigadegeneral Markus T. Laubenthal the bridge reception

“Chief of Staff” US Army Europe in Wiesbaden , Markus T. Laubenthal (3.right) with bridge-President Roger Schmidt (on the right) and Vice-President Günther Schmadel (links) and guests of honor at the bridge's New Year reception 2017

CASTING – WETZLAR – CENTRAL HESSE (rg) – It was long ago, that high-ranking military visit to casting was welcomed. Until the withdrawal of the last US GIs in 2007 dominated German and American soldiers many decades the streetscape as a garrison town. Times changed and will change again. With Brigadier General Markus T. Laubenthal was on Wednesday evening with the "Chief of Staff" from the headquarters of the US Army Europe in Wiesbaden one of the leading German generals at the invitation of German-American Clubs THE BRIDGE Gießen-Wetzlar guest. Laubenthal was the first German "Chief of Staff" in the American armed forces at all on the side of US General Ben Hodges. At Bridge-New Year reception in the filled to the last seat main hall of the hotel Köhler he used his speech to the current security situation in Europe to illuminate and to promote the important cooperation within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The floated the uncertainty about the political path of the new US administration on all the, was everywhere to grip even with the welcome speech of bridge-President Roger Schmidt. Just the name of the newly elected US president fell not once.


Prominent guests were also come to bridge reception, the including were in addition to the highest representatives of the Hessian Parliament, Parliament President Norbert Kartmann and his party colleague Hans-Jürgen Irmer also the City Council Chairman Egon Fritz and Councillor Monika Graulich from Giessen and from Wetzlar, Councillor Manfred Viand, come. Musically the mixed choir Modern Voices had attuned led by Andreas Stein from glee club Germania Watzenborn-Steinberg with a potpourri American evergreens guests at the beginning. Schmidt warned in his speech to the false prophets and the supposed saviors, which currently have economic. Future have Germany in the community of Europeans, thus freedom, stay get peace and prosperity. Ups and downs in transatlantic relations, have always existed. The German and American interests remained in the great contexts of history. The Bridge Club will continue to keep clear course for transatlantic and international linking agreement in respect to the benefit of all people, promised Schmidt.

Fakenews - fake night directing ", just in social media, while often from Russian sources, damaged confidence in our Western societies, warned Brigadier General Markus T. Laubenthal. The 28.000 stationed in Germany from former US soldiers 300.000 make known a more important contribution, together with the Bundeswehr and other NATO allies to security in Europe. The propaganda and misinformation on the Internet as well as the events in Eastern Ukraine have shown, that the decision to reinforce the deterrence was important. Die US-Army Europe (USAREUR) have currently a brigade 3.500 soldiers with 440 laid track vehicles from Fort Carson in Colorado for nine months through Bremerhaven to Eastern Poland. A logistical challenge, with 1.040 Waggons in 37 Trains has been mastered. More device follow for storage in depots to strengthen the rapid deployment readiness. Concerned citizens would ask him, is whether this "saber rattling" necessary and does not demand a lot more dialogue, so the General. The communication channels are open, However, the discussion results are not satisfactory, then the answer would be. An adequate and visible deterrent in the face of Russian actions necessary, so the unanimous political will. The speed of reaction with appropriate combat strength had increased in recent years. Exercises are necessary.

Especially with the young civil society wants to dialogue now further strengthen. For this was an internal program with internships for students in the US Armed Forces in Grafenwoehr, Kaiserslautern and Wiesbaden launched, announced he. Already 40 young people not only from Germany had in the past 15 Months the offer in the fields of media design, journalism, used environmental and languages. Under phone 0611 143 537 0401 you can learn and in person or by mail at, campaigned he. For Laubenthal his coming was also the farewell from Hesse. In Oldenburg he takes command of 1. Panzerdivision. With Brigadier Kai pipe separator will as his successor again as a sign of continuity of the good German-American relations in the USAREUR headquarters in Wiesbaden equally on the side with the US commander in chief, a German stand,de.


Bridge-Stammtisch “viral Blitzkriege: Marburg-, Ebola- and SARS infections”

Marburg virus expert gives a lecture at the bridge over epidemics of modern times
“viral Blitzkriege: Marburg-, Ebola- and SARS infections”

image_previewCASTING (guardian), At the Stammtisch of German-American Clubs "The Bridge" Gießen-Wetzlar on Wednesday, the 2. March at 19.30 At the Hotel Köhler in Gießen time the internationally renowned virologist Prof. DR. Hans-Dieter Klenk guest. The expert from the Institute of Virology at the Phillips University in Marburg is then on the latest developments of highly infectious diseases under the title “viral Blitzkriege: Marburg-, Ebola- and SARS infections” report and answer questions from the audience. Interested guests are welcome to this presentation.

“Bridge builder” – Former President Paul H-bridge. Ratzel Died

Paul Ratzel (1931-2015)
Paul Ratzel (1931-2015)

CASTING-WETZLAR / MEDIUM HESSE (rge/ger/rg), Florida has the news of the death of former President of the German-American Club "The Bridge" Gießen-Wetzlar, Paul Henry Ratzel, reaches the members of the Central Hesse casting. To 1994 He was for many years active in the club and the Executive Board and returned to his retirement back in the US Army in the USA. But even after he stopped the club and has been associated for the last time on the occasion of 60. Bridge-founding anniversary year 2010 in the university town guests. During the ceremony at the new City Hall, he gave an impassioned speech, which was rewarded with much applause. He was in his lifetime, an ardent supporter of German-American friendship. In addition, he was an optimistic, fun-loving and helpful person, with which you closed like friendship, recalls bridge member Rolf Eisenmenger. This made it easy for him, To be a bridge builder between Germany and the US.

Ratzel wurde am 17. March 1931 born in Münster-Handorf, visited Colmar in the school where she learned English. As a porter in the Nassauer Hof in Wiesbaden, he met an American guest, the recruited him for the construction of the US Interstate-highway system. 1954 Ratzel was an American citizen, but never forgot his roots in Germany. He came over the US Army in Korea, Vietnam and Guam back to his old home. In Giessen Army Depot, he was transport officer, later Logistics Director and supported the bridge activities with its possibilities active. After his return to the US he was there with his family respected member of the community of Destin / Florida. Whenever possible, he visited his old home and celebrated with his friends in Giessen, will not forget him. On Thursday, the 26. February 2015 He was buried in the US.